Elegant Hawaiian 14 karat Yellow Gold Honu Pendant (S)

Elegant Hawaiian 14 karat Yellow Gold Honu Pendant (S)


Elegant Hawaiian 14 karat Yellow Gold Honu Pendant (S). The turtle pendant is 3/4″ in width and 5/8″ in length with diamond cut on top and made with sand finished. Total length is 3/4″ and weight is close to 1 gram.

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Additional information

Weight 0.9 lbs
Dimensions 58 × 34 in

Elegant Hawaiian 14 karat Yellow Gold Honu Pendant (S). The turtle pendant is 3/4″ in width and 5/8″ in length with diamond cut on top and made with sand finished. Total length is 3/4″ and weight is close to 1 gram.

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